Connecting During Covid19


As the winter semester continues, we understand how problematic the COVID-19 situation has developed for us all. This situation has impacted our ability to connect with others within our daily lives. For business students specifically, networking and communication skills are required in order to have a successful career in any industry and helps business professionals create future career development and opportunities for themselves . We want to help you by discussing different ways you will be able to connect with your academic, professional, and friendly networks throughout the remainder of the virtual winter semester. 

  1. Professor Connections: Academic Networks

For starters, students can connect with their academic networks over the course of the virtual winter semester. Throughout the past few months, Ryerson students have been able to be accustomed with various classes and lecture formats delivering a variety of subjects. Mainly, they have been able to familiarize themselves with various professors who have helped them learn new content and important knowledge regarding potential future career paths. We understand that it may be out of one’s comfort zone, but we highly encourage students to reach out and contact their current professors because the professors are always willing to help with specific course topics and can answer any questions that students have to ensure their understanding of  the course material. Another reason students may benefit from contact with their professors and or other faculty members is that they will be able to teach you more in-depth concepts. This will allow you to expand your knowledge and possibly increase your ability to create different opportunities for yourself within a specific field of interest.

Professors at Ryerson University are also amazing resources to find out about any specific faculty event that might be happening throughout the semester. Within every faculty, there will always be industry-related events happening (virtually due to the covid-19 situation) and most will be openly invited events where any student will be able to join no matter which academic program or year you are in. Professors within these faculties will be aware of all incoming events that will be happening and be able to provide other important information. Overall, contacting professors as the winter semester progresses will always be beneficial to students whether it’s related to specific course topics or other important industry related topics.

2. Passion Connections: Course Unions/Interest Groups

Students also have many other resources available to them in order to help them succeed throughout their studies which will ultimately help them move forward within their future careers. At Ryerson University, there are various student groups and course unions centered around a variety of industries and career interests. These organizations have been created in order to help students gain a greater understanding of certain professions, skills, and possibly expand their knowledge on various industries and career pathways within society, 

Throughout the winter semester, we believe that students should be able to reach out and connect with these different organizations to gain unique experiences, acquire knowledge, and also expand their professional network. These student groups and organizations will host multiple events throughout the semester in order to help students learn more about possible career pathways they can pursue and crucial industry knowledge. It is also important to note that at certain events there will be multiple guest speakers and panelists partnering with the event. This is an amazing and exclusive opportunity for students to network with industry professionals as by doing so not only will you gain valuable knowledge from experienced individuals, but you will also be able to develop your networking skills and gain other skills to become a well suited professional business student.

Through professional networking, students will develop a greater understanding of their career goals and about the educational and experiential requirements needed to achieve them.

3. Professional Connections

Lastly, we believe that one of the most important topics students should focus on relates to the idea of creating and developing friendly networks. The reason behind why creating friendly networks is so important is because you will be able to rely on each other through the various courses and studies you pursue at Ryerson University. Another reason most students don’t realize when they develop their friendly networks is that these friendly connections can extend into professional networks. It is also proven that when students create and develop these friendly networks it will have a positive influence on your overall mood. This will be very helpful throughout very stressful periods of a semester like during midterms and final examination periods. Having a healthy friendly network is always an important focus for students as they continue their studies to achieve the career goals and objectives they have in mind.

 As students, especially for first-year students, we understand that networking with other individuals can become very intimidating. Below, we have listed various techniques and skills students will be able to implement as they begin to develop these important connections and networks:

  • Stay Positive

  • Build Your Communication Skills

  • Understand Who You’re Reaching Out To

  • Be Very Confident As You Connect

  • Talk About A Variety Of Topics

  • Utilize Important Listening Skills

Overall, being yourself is one of the most important techniques and skills you can utilize when you network with other individuals. It’s important to understand your goals, interests, and passions beforehand in order to network effectively. When implementing all of these skills and techniques, students will be able to connect effectively with all of their different networks, especially during  these unique times amid the Covid-19 pandemic.